Mount Sherrill
Everything about Sherrill is a little bit mysterious…
Peak Details
Height: 3,558ft (1,084m)
Range: Northeastern Catskills
Level: Difficult
Scenic: No/Low
Trail Type: Bushwhack
Canister: Yes
Mount Sherrill Topography
Summit Forecast: Mount Sherrill
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Mount Sherrill Information

Mount Sherrill is named for Eliakim Sherrill, ”a tanner in the Shandaken area during the mid-nineteenth century” — a ludicrously bland description, considering the man’s personal history.
Sherrill did indeed own a tannery, in Shandaken. But he also held several political offices and was a major in the State Militia.
He was a Congressman and a Senator in the 1840’s and 1850’s.
During the Civil War, he organized the 126th New York Infantry and was its first colonel. In fighting during the Battle of Harpers Ferry, he was severely wounded with a gunshot through his lower jaw. He was captured. He was paroled. The wound didn’t heal and he went back to war to fight the Confederacy.
At the Battle of Gettysburg, on his first full day commanding a brigade, he was hit by a musket shot to the bowels, and later died.
Nearly 10,000 people attended his funeral.
Not bad for “a tanner”.
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