Balsam Cap

Often done in combination with Friday Mountain, Balsam Cap offers a good view of Cornell & Wittenberg on the way to its archetypal Catskills summit.

Peak Details

Height:  3,608ft  (1,100m)

Range:  Southern Catskills

Level:  Difficult

Scenic:   No/Low

Trail Type:  Bushwhack

Canister:  Yes

 Balsam Cap Hiking Trails & Hikes

Rocky and Lone from Moonhaw in the Catskills

Rocky & Lone from Moonhaw

A long, lovely, difficult bushwhack—best hiked with a fun, solid crew.

Balsam Cap Canister

Hike Balsam Cap in the Clouds

A direct line from Moonhaw takes you up the shortest possible route to Balsam Cap but be warned: the way is steep. This is a tough Catskill hike.

View of Balsam Cap from Friday Mountain

Friday, Balsam Cap & B-25 Crash Site

A long, tough, rewarding hike that follows woods roads and herd paths, and ends with a true bushwhack to the wreckage of a WWII military bomber.

hiker climbing

The Catskills 6: Friday, Balsam Cap, Rocky, Lone, Table, Peekamoose

Tackling this route as part of a group hike makes it a fantastic experience.

 Balsam Cap Topography

 Summit Forecast: Balsam Cap

The page URL below shows the weather at Balsam Cap’s summit for the next six days.

If a foreacast for a peak is not directly available, this page may display a link to a nearby location.

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