
Tough to get to. Difficult to climb. Impossible to forget.

Peak Details

Height:  3,700ft  (1,128m)

Range:  Southern Catskills

Level:  Hardest

Scenic:   No/Low

Trail Type:  Bushwhack

Canister:  Yes

 Lone Hiking Trails & Hikes

Rocky and Lone from Moonhaw in the Catskills

Rocky & Lone from Moonhaw

A long, lovely, difficult bushwhack—best hiked with a fun, solid crew.

rock ledge on Table Mountain

Table, Peekamoose, Lone & Rocky

The easiest and most beautiful route to Lone and Rocky — but this is still one of the hardest hikes in The Catskills

orange canister on tree trunk

Rocky and Lone via Fisherman’s Path

Due to the remoteness of its two mountains, the ruggedness of the terrain, and the skin-shredding forest, this is widely regarded as the toughest hike in the Catskills.

boulders in stream

Fisherman’s Path

The Fisherman’s Path is an unmaintained hiking trail in Denning, New York, popular with casual hikers for weekend campouts and used regularly by 3500 hikers to access Rocky & Lone mountains. The entire trail is exceptionally beautiful.

hiker climbing

The Catskills 6: Friday, Balsam Cap, Rocky, Lone, Table, Peekamoose

Tackling this route as part of a group hike makes it a fantastic experience.

 Lone Topography

 Summit Forecast: Lone

The page URL below shows the weather at Lone’s summit for the next six days.

If a foreacast for a peak is not directly available, this page may display a link to a nearby location.


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