The articles below contain a lot of useful and helpful information that, for whatever reason, has not yet penetrated the public consciousness.
This might be the most beneficial collection of articles on this website…

Let’s Move On: 11 Opinions That Will Change Your Next Hike
Everything you think about hiking deserves a second look.

The 10 Essentials: What to Pack for Every Hike
The 10 Essentials is a list of items you should carry on every trip into the backcountry.

Walk Through Mud
Here are three great reasons to always walk directly down the middle of every trail, and especially through any mud puddles or water you find on the trail.

Hike Your Dog Safely in the Summer Heat
From springtime on, heat indices can regularly blow past safe limits for our canine companions. Here’s how to keep your pooch cool and safe on the trail this season.

How Long Does Trash Last on the Trail?
Many people don’t know how long it takes natural items to decompose, assuming that whatever biological matter they discard will break down quickly. But many of our most common scraps take an astonishing amount of time to fully disintegrate…

How to Buy a Hiking Headlamp
For hikers and campers, headlamps are essential pieces of gear. Whether you’re hiking out at dusk after a long day, or hiking in, in the pitch dark for a glorious summit sunrise, a headlamp will keep you on track and safe.

Cairns Are Bad News
TL;DR — Building cairns disturbs fragile, sensitive habitats and stresses whatever environment they’re built in. I didn’t know people also built them in streams…

Catskills Hemlocks Under Threat
Spend any time in the Catskills and you’ll see how special our hemlock groves are, and how unique their micro-environment is. Learn about Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and how you can help.

The 3 Best Ways to Not Die on a Hike
Every month, people get into trouble in the Catskills, almost always because they are under-prepared. Here are the 3 best things you can do to stay safe on your hike, while making sure you’re prepared in the event of an emergency.