Baxter Mountain Trail

I loved this hike so much. Super short. Super scenic. A great introduction to the ADKs and a great second-day treat if you hiked a high peak the day before. Easy to add this superb hike to your itinerary on your way home.

Hike Length: 3.0 miles (4.83 km)

Total Ascent: 700ft (213m)

Intensity: Moderate Adirondacks Hike

Route Type: Out-and-Back

Includes: Blazed Trail, Rock Scrambles

Parent Baxter Mountain

Similar Entries In: Adirondacks, The Best Hikes, The Moderate Hikes, The Most Popular Hikes, , , , , , , .

rocks and roots on baxter mountain

Rocks and roots, beautiful trail

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 A short out-and-back.

Baxter Mountain Trail in the Adirondacks is one of the sweetest trails in Keene Valley. Baxter Mountain is also one of the most hike-able and scenic peaks in the area.

Baxter Mountain is a lower Adirondack peak with three trailheads and trails. You are spoiled for choice. This route starts at the northernmost trailhead on Route. It’s a little challenging because there are a few steep-ish sections, especially as you climb higher. But it’s doable stuff.

This Baxter Mountain hiking trail is an easement, which means private property owners have granted access. Such access is always contingent on continued good faith hiking so please stay on the trail at all times.

This trail is particularly lovely, too. This was one of the sweetest hikes I’ve done. There are so many scenic views you’ll lose track and, considering how short this hike is, they’re all superpayoffalicious.

This moderate hike can be completed in under two hours. Check the Baxter Mountain trail map attached to this page.

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Baxter Mountain Hiking Trail

This Baxter Mountain hiking trail includes…

  • Gorgeous trail and views
  • Cell signal improves quickly 
  • Lots of switchbacks
  • Rock slab which can be tricky when icy 
  • Incredibly scenic views
  • False summit
  • Cute actual summit with partial views
  • Pitch pine trees
  • No cell signal at trailhead

The Baxter Mountain trailhead on Route 9N offers amply Baxter Mountain parking.

This trail guide is new. The hike was completed on 10/7/22 under which date this page will eventually be filed.

Baxter Mountain Trail Notes & Gallery

You are crossing private land here. Hiking is cool but no hunting or fishing on this property.

warning sign posted to tree on Baxter Mountain in the Adirondacks
Pay attention to this sign at the beginning of this trail

Follow the blue blazes…

rocks and roots on baxter mountain
Rocks and roots, beautiful trail

Gorgeous trail on the way up Baxter Mountain trail…

more rocks and roots on baxter mountain
More rocks and roots

Head uphill until you get to a junction. Not far above this junction you’ll find incredible views from the side of Baxter Mountain.

Baxter Mountain Trail Scenic Views

The grandest views are from below the summit, just above the 2200’ contour. They offer exceptionally long lines of sight southwest toward Keene Valley and the Dix Range, and toward Hurricane Mountain and Route 9N to the east.

Baxter Mountain scenic view
Scenic view from Baxter Mountain

Baxter Mountain scenic view
Looking toward Keene Valley

As is common on mountains, the weather changed radically in the space of an hour. As I was heading back down, a storm blew in. The photos in this trail guide are a mix of sunny Baxter views and stormy Baxter views.

Baxter Mountain scenic view
Keene Valley below Hedgehog Mountain and Rooster Comb

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hiking trail

Similar Hikes

Baxter Mountain trail is a family friendly hiking trail.

For such a short hike, Baxter Mountain packs such a punch it’s hard to think what could match it — but Big Crow and Moxham mountains certainly come close in terms of brevity, accessibility, and scenery.

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Baxter Mountain Trail Trailhead

Medium sized roadside lot for a popular destination.

Google Maps Location: 44.220857, -73.749378

The map below shows the exact topographic location of the trailhead

Cell Service

None at trailhead but I had patchy service up high. My network is Verizon. YMMV.

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The parent mountain for this hike is Baxter Mountain.