Harness the Power of Overnight Oats: Ultimate Breakfast for Hikers

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overnight oats tiramisu

Tiramisu Overnight Oats

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If you’re a hiker or outdoor enthusiast, your breakfast needs to be more than just a meal. Overnight oats breakfasts are nutrient-dense powerhouses that fuel your body for the physically demanding day ahead.

These 6 protein-packed, fiber-rich delights are not just nourishing and tasty, but also incredibly convenient for those early morning starts.

Imagine waking up to a ready-made, nutritious breakfast that keeps your energy levels steady during your outdoor adventure.

As the Mayo Clinic says: “Oatmeal is a nutritious, inexpensive and versatile option to work in some whole grains and help you start your morning off right. The fiber and protein contribute to feeling full longer and a slower blood glucose release. Oats also are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, copper, thiamine and zinc.”

Endlessly customizable with a variety of fruits, nuts, and seeds, overnight oats recipes offer the versatility to cater to individual dietary needs and flavor preferences. Prepared the night before, these recipes are also portable, allowing you to pack them up and head out to the trails quickly.

So, if you’re a mountain hiker looking to sustain your energy levels, aid recovery, and enjoy a hassle-free delicious breakfast, it’s time to dip into these six amazing recipes…


How to make overnight oats in a jar

It couldn’t be much easier. I prep my breakfast at night by mixing the basic ingredients together in a glass jar with a lid and then storing it in the fridge.

In the morning, I pull out the oats 30 minutes before I plan to eat breakfast — unless it’s a scorcher of a day and I actually want them fridge-chilly.

In winter, I blast the oats in the microwave for a minute before adding my toppings.

Two of the great benefits of healthy overnight oats recipes are 1) how they allow constant re-invention, and 2) how they can be eaten hot or cold, making them perfect year round.

How long do overnight oats last in the fridge?

I’ve read they can be stored up to five days in an airtight container. So, technically, you could meal-prep on Sunday and get all your weekday mornings covered.

But, honestly, these recipes are so quick to pull together, I just make mine “fresh” every night.

Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats

Apx 500 calories

  • Mix at night…
    • ⅓ cup old fashioned oats
    • 1 tsp chia seeds
    • 1 tsp coconut sugar or maple syrup
    • ⅓ cup plain kefir
    • 3 tbsp whole milk
    • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
    • ½ medium apple, grated
  • Add in the morning…
    • ⅓ cup full fat greek yogurt
    • Sprinkle granola
    • Drizzle maple syrup

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Mixed Berry Overnight Oats

Apx 580 calories

  • Mix at night…
    • ⅓ cup old fashioned oats
    • 1 tsp chia seeds
    • 1 tsp coconut sugar or maple syrup
    • ⅓ cup plain kefir
    • 3 tbsp whole milk
    • ½ tsp vanilla essence
    • ½ cup mixed berries
    • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • Add in the morning…
    • ⅓ cup full fat greek yogurt
    • Sprinkle granola
    • Drizzle maple syrup

Peanut Butter Banana Overnight Oats

Apx 650 calories

  • Mix at night…
    • ⅓ cup old fashioned oats
    • 1 tsp chia seeds
    • 1 tsp coconut sugar or maple syrup
    • ⅓ cup plain kefir
    • 3 tbsp whole milk
    • 1 medium banana
    • 1 tbsp peanut butter
  • Add in the morning…
    • ⅓ cup full fat greek yogurt
    • Sprinkle granola
    • Drizzle maple syrup

Stay Full Even Longer

Skipping the optional Greek yogurt saves about 100 calories per recipe. However, full fat foods keep bodies feeling full for far longer. Fats and fiber also modulate sugar rush and insulin spikes to a hugely helpful degree.

These overnight oats recipes are amazingly filling but, more importantly, I’ve found them to be super long-lasting from a satiation point of view. These easy-to-prepare breakfasts will definitely keep your hungries at bay until lunchtime.

The remaining 3 recipes are amazing…

  • Cherry Chocolate Overnight Oats
  • Tropical Overnight Oats
  • An absolutely kick-ass recipe for Tiramisu Overnight Oats (my go-to favorite)

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