
Pine Swamp Mine in Harriman State Park
This hike to and beyond Pine Swamp Mine is a wonderful butterfly-shaped figure-of-eight loop through Harriman State Park.

Israel Wittman Sanctuary Hiking Trails
Newly expanded with the addition of Loop C, this sanctuary secures its place as a forever favorite.

Rip’s Rock from Winter Clove Inn
The fun hike to Rip’s Rock from Winter Clove Inn leads to one of the key historical Catskills locations — and stunning views.

Secret Hike: Mega Mounds & Shadow Pool
This short, strange hike leads through one of the largest quarries in The Catskills.

Dibbles Quarry & Beyond (Ultimate Guide)
A short, easy hike to the very memorable Dibbles Quarry in one of The Catskills’ loveliest notches.

Secret Hike: Winter Views, Giant Quarry, Waterfalls, Ruins
I had no idea what I’d find on this unsung trail. I was blown away.