hwa lice on hemlock

Catskills Hemlocks Under Threat

Spend any time in the Catskills and you’ll see how special our hemlock groves are, and how unique their micro-environment is. Learn about Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and how you can help.

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Ashokan Reservoir

Open Space Institute Secures 871 Acres Near Ashokan High Point

The Open Space Institute has just announced the acquisition of two properties adjacent to the Catskill Park’s Sundown Wild Forest. The newly-protected properties have the potential to serve as a new access point to the Ashokan High Point hiking trail.

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Ashokan Rail Trail, Fall 2019

Ashokan Rail Trail Now Open

The newly-opened Ashokan Rail Trail on the north side of the Ashokan Reservoir is ridiculously wonderful. Ulster County and the DEP have absolutely aced this project. If you’re a walker, runner or cyclist, this is nine miles of absolute heaven. And unlike other promenades around the reservoir, dogs are allowed.

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Trial Maintainers Walking in Mine Hollow

Trail Maintenance 101 in Mine Hollow

Look at this place. What a day to be outside in such a beautiful setting. The very next day, it snowed all over the Catskills—in mid-May! But on this perfect spring day, I joined a small group of fellow trainees for Trail Maintenance 101.

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