Balsam Lake

Catskills Fire Tower Challenge 2024
Everything you need to complete the Catskills Fire Tower Challenge.

Balsam Lake Fire Tower Hike
Incredible 360° wilderness views make this hike spectacular at any time of year.

18 Amazing Western Catskills Hikes
Some of the best day hikes are only a few hours from New York City. The Western Catskills have it all!

Thru-Hike Doubletop, Graham & Balsam Lake
This hike had it all: stream crossings, herd paths, bear prints, a canister, a memorably steep descent, a true bushwhack, a rugged ascent, an ice grotto, some old ruins and, to top it all off, a fire tower with amazing sunset views.

Trail Maintenance, Balsam Lake, Fall 2019
Finished my 2019 maintenance by tidying up a few things between the two junctions on the south side of Balsam Lake. When I first took on this trail section in the spring, it hadn’t been tended to in many years and was very overgrown.

Graham Mountain & Balsam Lake
This long day-hike combines Graham and a loop around Balsam Lake’s summit.