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The New York Wilderness Quiz

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Cascade’s rocky summit

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How well do you know New York’s Wilderness?

This quiz is timed. You have 3 minutes.

If you get an answer wrong, you’ll see the correct answer immediately.

Click FINISH at the end to pick up your total.

To begin, click START QUIZ below…



Well done! You really know the New York Wilderness!

Well, the silver lining is that you can always hike some more…

HD Quiz powered by harmonic design

#1. How many miles of hiking trails are there in the Catskills?

#2. The Shawangunks are part of The Catskills

Please review this important informational slide.

#3. Which is the most northerly Catskill summit?

#4. Which is the most northerly Adirondack summit?

#5. In which state is Mount Frissell?

Hike to Frissel and pass through three states in two seconds…

#6. The steep cloves of The Catskills were formed mostly by…

The Catskills aren’t actually mountains. They’re the remnants of a dissected plateau.

#7. Which peak does not truly belong on the High Peaks list?

#8. Which peak does not truly belong on the High Peaks list?

#9. In the Catskills, The Devil’s Path trail blazes are colored…

#10. On which mountain is this formation?

#11. When camping, it’s okay to pitch a tent inside a lean-to…

Here’s the page for State Land Camping Rules which is a super quick read.

#12. When camping in New York’s wilderness, you must camp at least how many feet away from any water source or trail?

Here’s the page for State Land Camping Rules which is a super quick read.

#13. The best thing to do if you encounter a black bear is…

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This quiz is easier than the Hard Catskills Quiz!

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