lake view

Onteora Lake

Half way between Kingston and Woodstock, Onteora Lake is perfect for casual hikers, trail runners, and snowshoers. Three loops of increasing ruggedness allow you to choose your own adventure.


Red Blaze on the Devil’s Path

Hiking Pace Formula

One of the simplest things you need to know about any hike is: how long will it take? Knowing a planned hike’s duration is crucial to being able to figure out what to bring in terms of safety supplies, water and food.


Scenic Catskills View

Ashokan Quarry Trail

A short, super-easy hike almost anyone can do with fantastic terrain and scenic views — and a superb set of ruins to explore.


catskills rock band, underside

Tanbark Trail (Phoenicia)

A short, steep, rocky intense hike right in the heart of Phoenicia. Lots of dramatic Catskills geology. Two excellent views.


Spruce & Sunshine

Kelly Hollow Loop

Short, easy and thoroughly absorbing, Kelly Hollow Loop is one of the most beautiful hiking trails in the Catskills. It came highly-recommended and it absolutely delivered.


snowy trees at sunset

Halcott, Sunset Bushwhack

I didn’t think too much of Halcott when I did it last spring, but this hike changed my mind. There’s a lot to see: the woods are spectacular, the ravines are beautiful and, at sunset, the summit is a Catskill photographer’s dream.


Two backpacks

Backpack Basics

Your backpack is a fundamental and very personal choice. There are lots of excellent brands to choose from. Here’s the skinny.


Ashokan Rail Trail, Fall 2019

Ashokan Rail Trail Now Open

The newly-opened Ashokan Rail Trail on the north side of the Ashokan Reservoir is ridiculously wonderful. Ulster County and the DEP have absolutely aced this project. If you’re a walker, runner or cyclist, this is nine miles of absolute heaven. And unlike other promenades around the reservoir, dogs are allowed.


Mark Eis leads the way on Rusk

Rusk: First Bushwhack

Like me, if you’ve never been on a bushwhack hike—a hike without a trail—the thought of wandering into the woods with zero guide-rails seems completely intimidating. The best thing to do, here, is to join a group hike, or hook up an experienced pal who can show you the ropes.
