sunset rock in the taconics, covered in snow and seen at sunset

Sunset Rock Trail (Taconics)

A short rugged, riparian hike to Sunset Rock, a stunning Taconic scenic spot.

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fall view from jay mountain ridge in the adirondracks

Best Hikes of 2022

These are the best hikes I did in 2022 — 17 amazing day-hikes sorted by level of difficulty.

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Hurricane Ledge on Kaaterskill High Peak

Kaaterskill High Peak via Hurricane Ledge

Hiking Kaaterskill High Peak via Hurricane Ledge means a long wet hike in to the base of the summit — but then an epic Catskills climb.

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catskills red barn and sugarloaf mountain seen in the snow

Sugarloaf in Winter (Safest Route)

A beautiful hike to one of the grandest of Catskills high peaks.

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catskills sunrise/sunset view

Burroughs Range Trail Loop

Incredible two-day hike over the highest and finest terrain in The Catskills.

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Best Hikes Scotland and Scottish Highlands

Are These the 46 Best Hikes in Scotland?

It’s up for debate. But not the quality of views on offer.

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Jay Mountain summit in the Adirondacks

Jay Mountain

An undulating woods hike to stunning views from multiple lookouts.

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hikers sitting around high falls convervation area waterfall

High Falls Conservation Area

Short, easy hiking trails wind through High Falls Conservation Area to one of the most spectacular waterfalls in New York.

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inspiration point view

Inspiration Point (Catskills)

Inspiration Point in Kaaterskill Clove is one of the top scenic destinations in The Catskills.

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View of Hudson River and Bear Mountain Bridge at sunset from Anthony’s Nose

Anthony’s Nose via Camp Smith Trail

This route to the lookout on Anthony’s Nose is gentler than the classic route from the north.

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acre point view of burnt knob in The Catskills, a snowy mountain winter scene

Acra Point & Batavia Kill Loop with Burnt Knob Lookout

Acra Point & Burnt Knob is one of the most beautiful hikes in The Catskills. Gorgeous trails for miles, plus two amazing lookouts.

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Stone thrones made of quarried bluestone

Dibbles Quarry & Beyond (Ultimate Guide)

A short, easy hike to the very memorable Dibbles Quarry in one of The Catskills’ loveliest notches.

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rocks and roots on baxter mountain

Baxter Mountain Trail

Baxter Mountain Trail in the Adirondacks is on of the sweetest trails in Keene Valley. Baxter is also one of the most hike-able and scenic peaks in the area.

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reservoir view through opening in trees

Secrets of Samuels Point

A short but challenging bushwhack to the strange and beautiful summit of Samuels Point.

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the blacks

Where are the Catskill Mountains?

The Catskill Mountains are located in New York State, south of Albany and west of the Hudson River.

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catskills fall foliage 2022

Catskills & Adirondacks Fall Foliage Reports 2022

The best Catskills Fall Foliage Report because it’s direct from the Catskills!

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