scenic view mountain summits

Van Wyck to Table & Peekamoose

Two plane wrecks. Two bear holes. Two talus fields. One incredible view.

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Hurricane Ledge on Kaaterskill High Peak

Kaaterskill High Peak via Hurricane Ledge

Hiking Kaaterskill High Peak via Hurricane Ledge means a long wet hike in to the base of the summit — but then an epic Catskills climb.

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front of rusty old school bus

Secret Hike: Bushwhack Easter Egg

A bushwhack side-quest leads to an incongruous object…

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summit of Stoppel Point

Stoppel Point (Plane Crash)

An absolutely delightful hike from Colgate Lake, around Lake Capra, and along Stoppel Point’s beautiful and scenic escarpment ridge.

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ledge and campers and scenic view

Ashokan High Point (with Plane Wreck)

This loop hike features easy riparian trail, then a steep climb to views of Mohonk and the Shawangunk Ridge, as well as stunning blueberry meadows and a plane wreck just feet from the trail’s edge.

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View of Balsam Cap from Friday Mountain

Friday, Balsam Cap & B-25 Crash Site

A long, tough, rewarding hike that follows woods roads and herd paths, and ends with a true bushwhack to the wreckage of a WWII military bomber.

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rock ledge

Hike Kaaterskill High Peak & 2 Plane Wrecks

KHP’s summit is a Catskills classic with a spectacular view from Hurricane Ledge. This route takes in two eerie plane wrecks, and there is much to see on the long trek in and out. This a tough, muddy, rewarding hike.

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